

Furniture for the Waldorf School in Brixen

Project location: Brixen, Italy
Customer: Association Promoting Waldorf education in Brixen
Meter wall rail: > 350 m
Scope: Equipment of the entire School building

The establishment of the Waldorf School in Brixen is the founding project of Variand, where the original idea for the modular wallsystem came about many years ago.

In 2017, three of the Variand founders, as architecture students at the time, were faced with the challenge of developing and implementing an interior design concept for the small school in South Tyrol.

The requirement: lots of wood and as flexible as possible so that the rooms can be used for different purposes. A few weeks and many night shifts in the workshop later, the idea of ​​a wallsystem as a support for flexible shelves, wardrobes, boards and more was born.

In parallel with their further studies, the three began implementing the project. The planning was refined, sponsors were found to finance the project and finally, in collaboration with local businesses, teachers and a lot of personal effort, the facility was implemented and completed at the beginning of 2019.

The furniture, which at that time was almost entirely made of wood, was used to equip seven classrooms, the cloakroom, offices, the teacher's room, all hallways and a small guest apartment.
In addition to design elements such as decorative shelves and picture rails, larger body furniture for storage space, small tables and blackboards were also implemented with the Variand system.
In addition, all built-in furniture, student tables and a Guidance system designed and implemented by the team.

The creative design of the learning environment and the lively use of the space is particularly important in Waldorf schools, where the idea of ​​the moving classroom plays an important role.
The furnishing concept developed is based on precisely this idea and is intended to be supported by the Flexible and creative use of the furnishings, encouraging students and teachers to continually redesign their learning spaces and thus give the rooms personality, individuality and homeliness.

The extensive concept was implemented right from the start in close consultation with teachers and students and was very well received.
Even after 5 years of intensive use, only a few of the elements had to be replaced.
The enthusiasm for the facility is still noticeable among the users and is reflected in a large number of follow-up orders and the joint further development of the concept.

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